A guide to Buying aluminium windows
When it comes to buying aluminium windows, it’s easy to assume that these are only for contemporary houses or new extensions. Or they may not necessarily suit your home or your budget. We’ve put together some advice, tips and information about the various aluminium windows available.
Advice for buying aluminium windows better
Your choice of what are the best aluminium windows for your home comes down to several factors. Of course, budget plays a big part. Seek out a company specialising in aluminium. Even better with aluminium as their primary product offering. You’re more likely to get better prices and products as a result.
The demand and popularity for aluminium windows mean these no longer have the ‘luxury’ perception with a price to match. You have the choice of excellent mid-range products as well as the high-end contemporary or architectural glazing.
Besides price and supplier, it’s worth knowing that aluminium windows come with several styling options. Therefore, whether you live in an older house or a more modern one, there’s a choice of frame style that won’t look out of place. On the other hand, if you do seek something making a statement, aluminium windows provide a solution here too.
In other words, it’s easy to find timber-look, classic chamfered or sculptured frames, or heritage windows for older houses.
Importantly, aluminium windows are the best for slimline or minimalist window frames. Even better you get bigger window sizes and larger opening vents in aluminium. For you, this means more glass, better light and improved views through your windows.
Remember, aluminium windows come designed to integrate perfectly with aluminium bifolding doors. There are also design opportunities, using aluminium windows and gable or apex windows above bifolding doors. In addition, sides of new extensions, where you may not need a door, also suit large fixed picture windows. Furthermore, the sizes of these generally come as large as glass sizes allow. These picture windows work particularly well beside aluminium sliding doors too.
Energy efficiency of aluminium windows
The energy efficiency of windows is a crucial consideration. You want your home well insulated and reducing your energy bills.
Current Building Regulations require windows in new dwellings needing a U-Value of 1.6Wm2K or a Window Energy Rating of C. Of course, the most significant element is the glass and its specification. Our aluminium windows, all meet or exceed the current requirements. They also come with some key features that make up their excellent energy efficiency.
- Insulated aluminium profiles typically with a polyamide thermal break. These prevent heat loss through the frame.
- Minimum 28mm glass units with a soft-coat low-emissivity coating, warm edge spacer bars and argon gas fill.
- Engineered seals and gaskets and extra thermal insulation, further helping with heat loss reduction.
One excellent example of a highly insulated aluminium window is the Origin OW-80, one of the best on the market. These windows come with some of the best window energy ratings when upgraded with the unique Aerogel insulation. They’re even better with triple glazing.
Security of Aluminium Windows
One of the really great benefits of aluminium windows is the strength and security. And, aluminium windows come substantially slimmer than their PVCu or timber counterparts.
There are no security concerns with aluminium windows. As standard, expect to see multi-point locks, internal glazing beads, glass security devices and locking handles. Our windows use locking systems from trusted and familiar names such as Yale
Even better, most aluminium windows come with independent certification. Look for PAS 23 or 24, Document Q, and similar security standards.
Trickle Ventilators. What are they and do you need them?
Trickle ventilators are small components at the frame of your windows. These let airflow into your rooms. Effective ventilation is another Building Regulations requirement.
For new build projects, you must have trickle vents in your windows or provide other adequate methods of background ventilation in your rooms meeting Part F of the Building Regulations.
When replacing old windows the advice is straightforward. If your old (outgoing) windows have trickle vents, when buying new aluminium windows, these must also have them.
Buying aluminium windows. Operation and Functionality
Aluminium windows come as fixed windows such as picture windows or floor to ceiling glazing. However, opening options are also extensive.
- Outward opening windows either side or top hung.
- Inward opening windows.
- Sliding, pivoting or parallel opening windows.
Importantly, these flexible window options let you choose exactly the right product for your home. Different opening methods also provide different functionality and convenience.
For instance, side hung windows come with fire-escape hinges or easy clean hinges. These provide a crucial safety feature and let you clean the outside pane easily.
Of course, there are other options. Bay or bow windows, flat or corner styles and even shapes like gable or apex styles.
Window designs and styles
Take a look at some of the outstanding styles and types of aluminium windows available for your home. These are just some of the products available in aluminium. Of course, they all come with the same quality, security and excellent weather performance.
Steel-look windows
Both on-trend and highly desirable. They’re even suitable inside your home.
Steel-look windows come as Art-Deco, heritage or industrial look. Elegant, slimline and highly distinctive.
Flush casement windows
The Origin OW-80 is unique amongst aluminium windows with a flush casement inside and outside.
No other window looks like an Origin. It’s perfect as a traditionally styled timber look or a highly contemporary seamless window.
Slimline aluminium windows
The ultra-slim Alitherm window suite offers lots of options for choosing slimline windows.
Alitherm is ideal as traditional or contemporary looking windows with a choice of square or profiled frames and sashes.
Floor-to-ceiling windows
For bold panoramic or floor to ceiling glazing, aluminium is the best.
We’ve a great choice of slim or flatline floor-to-ceiling windows, also integrating with doors if required.
Get the best when buying aluminium windows from FGC
At FGC Bespoke Aluminium we offer some of the best aluminium windows on the market. Above all, you’re supported by our professional service and first-class installation. We are proud of our reviews from our customers. And we care about transforming your home into a special place too.
Contact us today, send us your drawings or talk to one of our friendly team.
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