Complaints Handling Policy

1.0 Policy

1.1 We recognise the importance of customer complaints and welcomes them as a valuable form of feedback about our services. We will learn from and use the information gained from complaints to help drive forward improvements and to respond positively to our customers’ needs and expectations. We want to resolve all complaints quickly and effectively. Our aim is to resolve any problems straight away where possible.

1.2 Complaints are accepted in all formats including:

In writing, whether it is by letter or email or Over the phone
In person

1.3 Our Complaints procedure does not affect a customer’s statutory rights as a consumer.

1.4 All complaints are dealt with in line with our Equal Opportunities Policy.

2.0 Procedure

2.1 Informal Resolution

Complete customer complaint form and make an entry in the complaints register. [Office staff]

Immediately forward complaint to the complaints manager. [Jodie Dorton]

Acknowledge receipt within 48 hours via a telephone call and post or e-mail informing the customer of receipt and set a date by which the complaint will be resolved by. [Jodie Dorton]

Take action to resolve complaint immediately. [Jodie Dorton]

If it cannot be resolved immediately, inform the customer of reasons why and indicate a date to resolve the complaint by. [Jodie Dorton]

Resolve complaint to customer satisfaction or provide an update within 14 days from the previous communication. [Jodie Dorton]

Once resolved, the complaint along with the resolution is recorded and should be presented at management monthly team meetings. [Raie Bloor]

2.2 Formal Resolution

If a complaint has not been resolved or the complainant is still dissatisfied complaint shall be formally investigated by the appropriate Director/Manager. The complainant shall be kept informed. [Paul Beresford]

2.3 Ensuring Resolution

If the complainant still remains dissatisfied the company may involve the GGF’s conciliation service and provide details of the complainant together with full details of the nature of the complaint and all documentation associated with it.

Conciliation Officer
The Glass and Glazing Federation
40 Rushworth Street

Complaints Handling PolicyEmail: