Choosing the best doors and windows
When it comes to choosing the best doors and windows for your home, understanding the material as well as the brand is just as important as how your new glazing looks. We explain why aluminium should be the material of choice for your home improvement project and the benefits you get.
It has to be aluminium for doors and windows
At FGC Bespoke Aluminium, we’ve adopted only aluminium for our entire product range. While upvc windows and doors are secure, thermally efficient and low maintenance, for aesthetics, strength and performance it has to be aluminium.
When deciding to improve your home, and when you want the very best from your new glazing, aluminium has to be your material of choice. Only metal doors and windows such as aluminium or steel give you the slim sightlines you desire in your home. uPVC windows have developed over the years to be less chunky, however, nothing beats an aluminium door for maximum glass area, the best light transmission and unobtrusive slimline frames. Not only are aluminium frames slimmer, but they also allow you to have larger doors panels.
Aluminium remains the go-to material when choosing the best windows and doors for your home. So whether you choose a more affordable aluminium window or door or go with a luxury brand, you get the same benefits.
The slimmest sightlines with aluminium
Other than steel, there is no thinner window or door than in aluminium. Our windows start with frame sightlines of just 50mm with a fixed pane window in your new extension and slightly increased when replacing your old windows. Again, no uPVC frame comes close to the minimal proportions of aluminium.
The same also applies to doors. Our residential doors for the side or back of your home all have thin outer frames and attractive door leaves. Sliding doors profiles start at just 20mm at the mullion and our bifolds are some of the slimmest on the market too.
Importantly, slim sightlines don’t just apply to your new aluminium frames. Study an aluminium door next to a upvc or timber door and you’ll also notice the hinges, thresholds and other parts are also thinner. Other materials need bulkier hardware.
Therefore, whatever the size of your new windows or doors, only aluminium will give you that desirable minimalist look for your new extension and improve the look of your home when replacing your old timber or upvc windows and doors. The size, weight and location of new bifolding, sliding or entrance doors. With the slimmest sightlines also comes excellent strength. This is why aluminium goes taller, wider and larger where timber or upvc products need fixed panels to reduce the opening width.
Aluminium windows and doors are strong and secure
The inherent strength of aluminium is another great feature. Multiple chambers, strong insulation and no internal steel reinforcement like upvc doors. As a result, our top-brands of aluminium come with certified security and tested weather performance. Every one of our windows and doors comes with high-quality locking systems, rollers, gearing and other components. Therefore your new glazing not only looks great but also protects your home.
Sliding doors especially benefit from slimline aluminium. Some of our doors weigh in excess of 300kg yet they slide open and shut with minimal effort. Bifolding doors such as our Schuco range offer strong and secure doors with reduced sightlines and sizes up to 3 metres high. Once again, no PVCu bifold or patio door offers anywhere near this level of performance or aesthetics.
Another benefit of slim, strong and secure aluminium is reliability. Your new sliding or bifolding doors perform reliably for years with less thermal contraction and expansion than other materials. Simply put, aluminium stands the test of time.
Choose your colour, personalise your glazing
Another benefit you get when choosing aluminium is a substantial choice of colour with more personalisation. It is true, upvc and timber products come in all sorts of colours. However, only aluminium gives you more.
From metallic colours to contemporary textured surfaces, different colours inside and out and colours designed for your home in a coastal or other exposed location. By far aluminium provides not only an extensive choice of over 200 colours but also better protection.
Even wood effect finishes with aluminium such as those on our Origin OB-72 bifolding doors give you the look of wood with none of the maintenance or cost.
Of course, you can personalise your windows and doors through all manner of designs, handle colours, glass enhancements and much more.
Choosing aluminium gives you the best doors and windows.
Finally, choosing aluminium for your new doors and windows gives you more. Only aluminium products come in the on-trend steel look systems, reminiscent of classic steel windows and doors. Only aluminium patio doors create that flush threshold to connect your home and garden.
We use the best brands such as Schuco for their German engineering and phenomenal design features. Origin aluminium doors and windows give you truly bespoke windows and doors with an unbeatable 20-year guarantee. Our Alitherm range of windows are tried-and-tested and offer you affordable, energy-efficient and picture-perfect windows. And we offer the Dutemann range – a luxury brand of high specification sliding doors and luxurious front doors.
In addition to windows and doors, only aluminium enhances your home with cutting-edge and beautiful internal doors, windows and screens.
Contact us today and start transforming your home
At FGC Bespoke Aluminium, working with us means you benefit from our professional family business, extensive experience and join our many delighted customers. We work with you to achieve your dream home extension or property renovation. The whole experience is smooth, our prices are competitive and our lead times ensure a swift result.
Get in touch today to discuss your requirements and start your journey improving your home.
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